Relationship Challenges?
You are in the right place!
I am a certified professional coach, specialising in supporting clients to build healthy intimate relationships. I work with individuals and couples who encounter regular issues in their relationships. They don't know why this is happening or how to fix things. Life feels tough, emotionally and tense. The same challenges keep coming back, never fully resolved. You feel like you should be happy but you just aren't and you don't know where to turn.
I know how difficult this can be, unable to speak up or challenge healthily. You never seem to get what you need to make yourself happy. Your partner doesn't understand you and you're not on the same wavelength as them. You feel disconnected, and intimacy is suffering.
My methods help clients to understand what's been happening, making sense of the challenges, identifying patterns and the sources of common issues. With this new understanding, I work with clients at every stage to deal with those challenges and rebuilding their relationships healthily. The result is a happier life, less stress and greater joy.
Research shows people wait an average of six years before seeking help (I know right!), that's a long time to be unhappy! It is possible with support, to create healthy and happy relationships where each person can flourish separately and together. All of this is achievable with the right support. I am on a mission to do just that, Inflori means flourish, that's possible for you. You can have a happy love life and you do deserve it.
I am a Professional Core Energy Coach qualified with the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP). I co-host a relationship podcast with Dr Anna Stratis called Geordie Lass & Doc Sass. Check us out on Apple, Google or Spotify.
There is a range of ways to work with me. I offer 1 on 1 coaching, most packages include a unique self-awareness assessment & personalised results which help identify common issues in your relationship and provide a great place to start coaching.
Not ready for coaching, you can start with the relationship health check tool first, this will help you understand your relationship better and take the first step.
Certified Professional Coach with iPEC &
Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP)