There is another way!
Relationship Reset
This is for you if you feel there is no hope for your relationship. You feel disconnected and lonely. You are tired of the arguments and your sex life has taken a total nose dive. Do you think about leaving? Fantasising about how different life could be? Before you take drastic steps, try a Relationship Reset instead, a small investment when compared with divorce or separation.
You can start Relationship Reset today. During the 12 week programme, you will identify the causes of unhappiness in your relationship, understand why the same challenges keep coming up time and time again in your relationship and, more importantly, how to fix them.
Are you ready to put an end to the relationship misery? Ready to stop going around the same loops with your partner? Would you like to bring joy and happiness back to your relationship? Ready to reignite the passion and intimacy in your relationship? Relationship Reset has all you need to do just that!
To make your relationship work, you must first understand where it is going wrong. You can do this with some insider know-how and science-backed exercises and activities to help you uncover what's going on in your relationship and what steps to take to improve this.
What's included?
12 modules tackling the most common relationship challenges
A series of tools and exercises to help you understand your relationship better and make small but meaningful changes
All activities are downloadable, giving you lifetime access
A weekly reminder to keep you on track
Support via What's App or Email
An option to upgrade to VIP 1:1 support (4 sessions or 6 sessions, you choose!)
Bonus material every week!
The cost of the programme is £349
You will have access to the modules for 6 months, giving you the space and time to work through each module at your own pace.
What's will Relationship Reset do for me & my relationship?
What does the programme include?
Designed to address the most common challenges faced in relationships today. As a relationship coach, I see common themes amongst couples Relationship Reset aims to share why this happens and what to do about it. The result is a happier, healthier relationship with more joy and connection.
In the programme, you will cover
Understand where your challenges are in your relationship
Learn how to identify if your relationship is in the danger zone & how to get out of it
Identify where the strengths lie in your relationship
The reason you can't seem to shake the negative cycle & how to fix this
Identify the role you & your partner take in the relationship
Understand what your conflict style is & how to resolve conflict in a healthy way
Understand what is stopping you from making changes & how to combat this
Learn how to communicate with your partner in a way that gets better results
Understand how to connect through intimacy & bring the spark back
Learn the role compassion & kindness plays in a relationship
If you love the sound of this and are ready to commit yourself and want to choose your relationship let's get started today.
Meet the creator!
Sara Liddle is a certified professional relationship coach, she specialises in working with individuals and couples who want to have a happier, healthier relationship. She created the Relationship Reset programme to help people find joy in their relationship once again.
Sara is a the co-host of Geordie Lass & Doc Sass a relationship podcast, take a listen to find out more or read her popular blogs.
Are you ready for a Relationship Reset?
There is a sad statistic that the average person stays in an unhappy relationship for over 6 years before they take action, usually, the action is to cut and run. This is expensive and has devastating effects for years to come.
Don't be that person that leaves things, hoping they will get better without any change or intervention.
Be the person that takes action, believes in their relationships and wants to make it work. Let the Relationship Rest help you get there!
Get started today for one small investment of £349, less than counselling or coaching and you can do this in the privacy of your own home.
If you have a question email